Up and Coming
There are many exciting plans in the pipeline at Broughtonknowe.
You can find up to date posts, and occasional requests for help, on our Facebook page.
Ongoing plans, most made possible by a generous grant from the Clyde Wind Farm (see logo and link below), include:
- new / upgraded paths -
- tree / hedge planting and the creation of an appropriate woodland understorey -
- ponds, re-wilding of the aquatic community and margins -
- wildlife surveys -
- wildflower meadow creation -
- new and replacement benches, boardwalks and bridges -
- More nest boxes, including for barn owl and kestrel -
In addition we have received a generous gift of a wildlife watching/photography hide, which is now discretely sited at the ponds.
Green Ash Chairs
Peter Young runs chair making courses, based in the quarry at Broughtonknowe - a traditional woodland craft constructing chairs, starting with just a length of young Ash tree.
Greenwood chairmaking is about working with nature to produce something useful and beautiful using traditional tools and techniques.
Organised Groups
The 'camp fire' area by the sheds at the top of the wood is occasionally made available, by prior attangement, to organised groups such as Cubs and Scouts.
For more information, please contact the owner christopher@chapelgill.co.uk.